Monday, September 19, 2022

11 Herbal Plants to Lower High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure is a serious condition that should not be overlooked. This is because high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can lead to a variety of dangerous complications, including heart disease and stroke, both of which can result in death. The bad news is that high blood pressure does not always cause symptoms, so the patient is unaware of it. As a result, high blood pressure is known as the "silent killer." As a result, anyone with a systolic blood pressure reading of more than 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure reading of more than 90 mmHg is advised to immediately improve their lifestyle.

To treat hypertension, some people may require high blood pressure medication. If you think about it, there are a number of herbal plants that can help lower high blood pressure. However, using these plants should be done with caution, and it is best to consult with your doctor first. The following are some herbal plants that can be used to lower high blood pressure:

1. The Celery 

    Many people believe that celery is only used as a garnish or a sweetener in cooking. However, celery appears to be effective as a herbal plant for lowering high blood pressure. According to the Center for Research and Development of Traditional Medicinal and Medicinal Plants (B2P2TOOT) Balitbangkes, Ministry of Health's Scientific Herbal Medicine Book: A Scientific Leap on Herbal Medicine Development (2017), celery can be used as a urine laxative and to lower blood pressure.

    Apigenin in celery acts as a beta blocker, slowing the heart rate and reducing the force of heart contractions, resulting in less blood pumped and lower blood pressure. Meanwhile, apiin, a glycoside compound derived from apigenin, is a diuretic that aids the kidneys in removing excess fluid and salt from the body, resulting in lower blood pressure due to reduced fluid in the blood.

2. whiskers of a cat

    Cat's whiskers can be used as a diuretic and kidney stone laxative, according to research. Because the leaves contain potassium, this plant acts as a natural diuretic. The presence of inositol and the flavonoid sinensetin contributes to the diuretic effect of cat's whiskers.

3. Gotu Kola

    According to research, gotu kola can help improve blood flow. According to Ristoja (2015), traditional healers in West Java (West Java) and Banten use gotu kola as a drug to lower blood pressure and treat headaches. Asiaticoside, a triterpenoid glycoside gloingant compound, is the active substance that plays a role in activity as a blood vessel flow. These compounds have been shown to improve microcirculation, decrease capillary permeability, and protect against microcirculation deterioration. In hypertensive rats induced by L-NAME, an 80 percent ethanolic extract of gotu kola (16 g/20 ml/kg) dissolved in aquabides reduced blood pressure (L-nitro L-arginine methyl ester).

4. Temulawak

    Temulawak is an Indonesian plant that has traditionally been used to treat a variety of diseases, including hypertension. Temulawak has been shown to contain flavonoids, which protect the vascular endothelium. The results showed that temulawak combined with cat's whiskers, celery, gotu kola, turmeric, and meniran at a dose of 72 mg/kg bw reduced blood pressure in hypertensive Wistar rats induced by prednisone 1.5 mg/kg bw and NACl 2%.

5. Meniran

    Ristoja (2015) discovered that meniran herbs are used to treat high blood pressure in the Meranjat ethnic group of South Sumatra. Meniran herbs are empirically used to treat high blood pressure and laxative urine. Meniran contains potassium, which is useful for increasing intracellular fluid by attracting extracellular fluid, resulting in changes in the sodium-potassium pump balance and a decrease in high blood pressure, according to research.

6. Basil Leaves

    Basil leaves are one of the spice leaves that have a similar aroma to basil leaves. Basil not only adds flavor to dishes, but it is also said to help lower blood pressure. The chemical eugenol found in basil leaves, according to Health Line, can block certain substances that constrict blood vessels. As a result, basil leaves are thought to be capable of lowering blood pressure. However, this effectiveness has only been demonstrated in animals. Also see: 10 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol More research is needed to uncover the benefits of basil for lowering high blood pressure. However, incorporating fresh basil leaves into your diet is simple and won't hurt. 

7. Cardamom 

    Cardamom is commonly used as a seasoning in Indian and Indonesian cuisine. Cardamom appears to be a herbal plant that can help lower high blood pressure. A small study found that giving 20 people with hypertension 1.5 grams of cardamom powder twice a day for 12 weeks reduced their blood pressure significantly. You can use it by adding cardamom seeds or powder to soups, stews, or even baked goods.

8. Flaxseeds

    Flaxseeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and have been shown to lower blood pressure in several studies. To reap the most benefits, a recent study suggested consuming 30-50 grams of whole flaxseed or flaxseed powder per day for at least 12 weeks. By lowering serum cholesterol, improving glucose tolerance, and acting as an antioxidant, flaxseeds may even protect against atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

9. Garlic 

    Garlic can not only enhance the flavor of food. Garlic may also help to lower blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide, a substance in the body that causes blood vessels to relax and widen. This condition improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure. So, don't be afraid to use garlic in a variety of dishes.

10. Ginger

    Consuming ginger can help you control your blood pressure or lower it if you have high blood pressure. Ginger has been shown in animal studies to improve blood circulation and relax the muscles around blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. However, more research is needed to determine whether ginger can help lower high blood pressure in humans.

11.  Lavender

    The lavender plant's calming scent isn't its only advantage. The reason for this is that lavender extract has been shown in animal studies to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. While many people do not think of lavender as a culinary ingredient, the flowers can be used in baked goods. Lavender leaves can be used in the same way that rosemary is.

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11 Herbal Plants to Lower High Blood Pressure      High blood pressure is a serious condition that should not be overlooked. This is because...